Friday, July 29, 2005

A local manufacturer is undertaking a trial run, using real data, of our MISys Small Business Manufacturing/Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting combination (hereafter called SBM/SBA), and we'll be keeping an eye on their progress over the next 8-12 weeks. It's quite exciting! And I'll be sharing what I hear with whoever visits this blog. SBA is due for release in September, we'll be not too far behind them.

While we're waiting for that, anyone who would like to check out our online presentation of SBM, please just let me know at Dave Brown has broken the presentation down by subject area--purchasing, production, work orders, master files, etc. so you can point and click your way through the areas of greatest interest to you. I'll send you a one week pass [easy to renew] which should be ample time to look through how the product works. We would appreciate your feedback once you view it.

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